REMV in Journal Citation Report™ (JCR)

We are honored to inform you that our journal REMV has been included in THE NEW JOURNAL CITATION REPORT - JCR released by Clarivate Analytics. 
With the newest release of the JCR, Clarivate Analytics has also updated their new metric for journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection called JOURNAL CITATION INDEX (JCI) - a new field-normalized measurement of citation impact published by a journal over a recent three-year period.
As per the information published by CA - the average JCI in a category is 1. Journals with a JCI of 1.5 have 50% more citation impact than the average in that category. It may be used alongside other metrics to help you evaluate journals.
The Journal Citation Index (JCI) scored by Real Estate Management and Valuation is 0.27! 

REMV Editorial Board